My range of services include the following:

  • Accredited Family Dispute Resolution (parenting plans, including the issuing of Section 60I certificates) in a safe and modern office.

  • Trauma informed care in mediation.

  • Parenting Plans where the paramount consideration is the best interests of the child.

  • The options of video conferencing via Zoom and teleconference Family Dispute Resolution.

  • The mediation process includes intake and assessment, explanation, clarification, exploration of issues (what's driving the conflict), negotiation and agreement.

  • Parenting Plans - I will work with you on developing an agreement that separated parents make about how their children will be cared for and supported. In FDR, parents determine their own outcomes, in court judges decide outcomes. My role is to assist you to determine those child focused outcomes without lengthy and expensive court processes, whilst encouraging a focus on cooperative post-separation parenting.

  • Child Inclusive Mediation - working with a qualified and experienced Child Consultant to hear your child’s voice.

  • Parent Roadmap sessions, providing general information on the separation process.