FEES&payment of invoices

  • Initial 10 minute confidential telephone consultation - to discuss your child’s needs and your questions, free of charge.

  • Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) 1:1 Intake session - 1.5 hrs, $280/session (per parent). This is step 1 in the process, where I meet each parent separately. After meeting both parents individually, I decide if mediation is appropriate.

  • First Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) session with both parents - 2.5 hrs, $500 per parent. Includes a Parenting Plan following the session that documents agreements made (if agreement reached).

  • Subsequent (if required) FDR sessions with both parents - 2.5 hrs, $430 per parent. Includes updates to the Parenting Plan (if agreement reached).

  • Parent Roadmap session - for individual parents who want to learn about the separation process (children’s needs, financial considerations, help and resources available) - 1 hr, $260/session. Referral to alternative FDR may be appropriate if I have met only one parent in this session.

  • Payment of invoices - invoices to be paid at the time of the in-person session via EFT or card reader. Pre-payment required for sessions held via Zoom video conference or teleconference.