Mediation can be an affordable and safe way to resolve conflict. It can also help maintain your privacy, and the person helping you won't take sides or sit in judgement of you. 

I can work with you and the other parent to identify the conflict you are experiencing, and create a safe space to try and resolve the conflict. Mediation provides the opportunity to discuss ideas, options and solutions that meet the developmental needs of children. My role is to work with both clients in an impartial way, with the mediation run in an atmosphere of respect and future focus.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a process where an impartial third party who has expertise in negotiation and communication provides clients with the space and structure to resolve conflict with a focus on the future and tailored to your family.

Family disputes following separation can be complex, with many clients experiencing grief, loss, anger, and many other emotions. Ensuring you have the right team and resources around you is extremely important.
At times, children can be at the centre of the dispute, which makes
it even more important for timely and respectful resolutions.


An affordable service for families requiring conflict resolution including child focused parenting plans (known as Family Dispute Resolution or FDR)

A focus on the best interests of children

A commitment to the safety and wellbeing of my clients

Flexible and timely approach, no lengthy waiting periods

A confidential and respectful environment

Sensitivity to the needs of families experiencing stress

Modern office facilities 13km from Melbourne CBD

Interpreter services